Technical setup

How to Set Up DMARC in Namecheap - Step-by-Step Guide

May 27, 2024
7 min.

Need to set up a DMARC record on Namecheap?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.

With your DMARC record in place, your emails will benefit from an enhanced layer of security.

And equally important: you’ll be one step closer to avoiding the spam folder. 👍

Namecheap logo

DMARC Simplified 🗒️

A DMARC is a line of text added to the domain’s DNS records.

It tells email servers to let unauthorized emails either pass, send them to spam, or not deliver them at all.

Additionally, DMARC monitors your deliverability. It does so by providing valuable feedback on how email providers handle your emails.

The added layer of security provided by DMARC ensures that only legitimate senders can send email from your domain. No one will be able to use your sending domain for phishing attacks or other cybercrimes.

The big bonus is that your emails are now considered more secure in the eyes of email service providers. They’ll be more inclined to send your emails to your audience’s inbox.

Preparing Your DMARC Record for Namecheap 📝

A basic DMARC record looks like this:

v=DMARC1; p=none;

Seems complicated? It really is not!

There are three parts to a basic DMARC.

  1. The “v” stands for version. There’s currently only one valid DMARC version so this is always “v=DMARC1”.
  2. The “p” stands for policy and determines what to do with unauthorized emails. “None” tells email servers to let the email pass anyway. This setting is useful for DMARC beginners as it monitors deliverability and allows you to adjust your technical setup accordingly. Next, we have “Quarantine”. This tells email servers to send unauthorized emails to the spam folder. Lastly, and this is the strictest policy setting, is “Reject”. In this case unauthorized emails do not get delivered at all.
  3. The “Rua” tag tells email servers where to send reports regarding the DMARC authentication results.

Adding Your DMARC Record to Namecheap’s Advanced DNS Settings‍

  1. First, log in to your Namecheap account
  2. Click on “Domain List” in the left sidebar
  3. Now click on the MANAGE button positioned to the right of your domain
  4. On the next screen, click on “Advanced DNS”
  5. Now click on the “Add new record” button
  6. In the ‘Type’ field, select TXT
  7. In ´Host’ enter ‘_dmarc’
  8. The value field is where you enter the DMARC record mentioned earlier. Make sure to change the email address to your email address.
  9. Now click “Save” to finish your DMARC setup

Validating Your Namecheap DMARC Record ✅

It can take up to 48 hours for your new DMARC record to become active.

Usually, though, it propagates much faster. You can use a DNS checker to verify that it has become active.

Email warm-up service lemwarm has a DNS Checks feature, which tells you everything you need to know about your technical setup.

lemwarm dns checks feature

Not Just DMARC ⬇️

DMARC is a crucial aspect of your technical setup, but it’s not the only one.

Here are the other essential components of your technical setup:

  • SPF records
  • DKIM records
  • MX records
  • Custom Tracking Domain

Furthermore, no email setup is complete without warming up your email. If you’re going to do email outreach, your email needs to be in good standing with email service providers.

The way to get a good reputation is by gradually increasing sending volume and frequency while also getting engagement for your emails (replies, etc.).

Email warm-up services can help you with this so you can focus on other important tasks. One such service is lemwarm. It runs 100% on autopilot and can get you open rates of 65% or more.


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