How SalesCaptain used lemwarm’s tailored warm-up strategy to get x2 Fortune 1000 enterprise clients

Bill Stathopoulos, Co-founder & CEO of SalesCaptain outreach agency, used lemlist to send high-volume campaigns without risking email deliverability.
Open rate
Reply rate
Deliverability score

Meet SalesCaptain, the UK's #1 lead generation company

SalesCaptain is an award-winning outbound sales agency helping B2B SaaS and tech companies close deals with their dream clients.

In 2023, Clutch recognised this team of 20+ growth experts as the UK's #1 Lead Generation company.

Our unique approach to Cold Email, mixed with intent data, market research, and the latest sales tech, allows us to build scalable Go-to-market programs that help our clients drive more revenue. - Bill Stathopoulos, Co-founder & CEO of SalesCaptain

SalesCaptain offers multi-channel outbound sales and paid advertising solutions, helping global tech brands build a predictable sales pipeline without hiring an in-house sales team.

We enable teams to focus on closing deals while we handle the top-of-funnel.

However, achieving 5-15% growth in new deals in the first 90 days of multi-channel outbound service didn’t come without email deliverability challenges.

Like many other outbound agencies, they had difficulties scaling campaigns while avoiding spam folders.‍

How to send high-volume emails without landing in spam

Before using lemlist and lemwarm, deliverability was cumbersome.

Most of SalesCaptain’s clients wanted to grow their sales with more signups and demo calls.

One of them is AdLib DSP, an ad-tech company targeting ad agencies, media buying groups, and brands doing programmatic advertising or looking for custom media placements.

To catch their prospects’ attention, they had to send high-quality emails to as many targeted leads as possible in their primary inbox.

If Bill wanted to keep his emails out of the spam folder, he had to warm up sending email addresses. Email warm-up gradually increases email sending volume to build a good domain reputation.

By ensuring human-like activity, the warm-up process keeps email activity balanced and prevents landing in spam. Receiving emails regularly is crucial since non-consistent sending could trigger warnings to his email provider.

However, manually sending many emails to a fixed schedule can be a pain as it requires much time and effort.

Plus, most of the warm-up tools available on the market didn’t offer a tailored strategy for Bill’s industry. This means the warm-up emails were gibberish and didn’t make sense to his email provider, again risking landing in spam.

Luckily, as a successful user of the lemlist all-in-one outreach tool, Bill got free access to lemwarm.

Achieving and keeping high email deliverability with custom cluster

We had already been using lemlist as our leading Cold Email automation software, so we decided to give lemwarm a shot, given that it was included in the price, and we already trusted the lemlist team for their technical expertise.

To keep his emails warm in the long run, Bill got the tailored warm-up strategy. This means lemwarm gradually increases the number of emails sent until the perfect delivery is achieved, keeping his emails away from the spam folder.

And to ensure he leaves the best impression for the email provider, he was assigned to a specific email cluster according to his industry, audience, and email goals.

This keeps his warm-up emails related to his business which increases the chances of landing in the primary inbox.

Instead of talking with fake email addresses, he could automatically start conversations with 10k+ real users with up to 25+ years of domain reputation. Because of ultra-personalized emails under the assigned clusters, conversations under the same thread give the impression that they're written and sent manually.

The human-like activity is a good sign for his email provider and leaves a positive impact on your email domain and IP reputation.

Reaching out at scale, in primary inboxes

lemlist + lemwarm has helped us maintain campaign performance consistently high for more than a year of running campaigns for AdLib.

Thanks to a combination of lemlist's automated multichannel sequences and lemwarm that kept them out of spam, SalesCaptain achieved:

→ 86 deliverability score

only a 2.29% bounce rate

→ 63+% open rate & 13+% reply rate

We got x2 Fortune 1000 enterprises as clients through the lemlist campaigns.

With these results, Bill and his team are determined, like never before, to double their success and get even more dream clients for their leads. And their deliverability tool of choice? 👇

lemwarm has helped avoid the spam folder and reliably land in the inbox folder every time. This means we don’t have to worry about deliverability anymore, and we can focus on optimizing the campaigns' targeting, messaging, and offer.

SalesCaptain is an award-winning outbound sales agency helping B2B SaaS, and tech companies win their dream clients.
London, UK
Sales Outreach Services
30+ employees

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